3 Sedation Dentistry Options Besides General Anesthesia

If you are incredibly anxious about your dental appointments, you may be looking at offices that offer sedation services. Heavy sedation methods, like general anesthesia, may be contraindicated for people with certain medical conditions since they can depress both the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system. Thankfully, there are mild to moderate sedation methods that have fewer risks of complication. Here are three sedation options besides general anesthesia. Nitrous Oxide Read More 

Dos And Don’ts For Managing A Toothache

Toothache pain has to be one of the worst kinds of pain. It pulses with your heartbeat and can radiate through your cheeks and skull. There is no doubt about it — if you have a toothache, you need to see a dentist. However, there are some care tips you can follow while you wait for your appointment. Here are some of the most important dos and don'ts to keep in mind when you have a toothache. Read More 

Three Things To Help Prevent Kids’ Cavities That You Can Get From The Dentist

Many adults struggle with maintaining good oral health and avoiding cavities, so it's easy to imagine how such things could be tough for kids. If your child has had one or more cavities, chances are you want to do anything you can to help avoid them having it happen again. Of course, seeing a pediatric dentist on a regular basis and ensuring that your child cleans their teeth well at home can be a big help, but there are also extra ways your child's dentist can be of assistance. Read More 

Dental Implants: The Difference Between A Permanent Crown And A Provisional Crown

The finishing touch of a dental implant is the addition of your new prosthetic tooth, called a dental crown. This crown (typically milled from a small ceramic block) will have been selected to match the color of the rest of your teeth, and then shaped accordingly until it becomes an exact replica of the tooth it's replacing. It's attached to the implant itself (which was placed during your prior implant surgery), and the job is done. Read More